January 08, 2021

WAGS 2021: Saunterers Season Preview


There is a lot wrong with the title of this blog because often, previously the season ran from September to June spanning two different calendar years. Also - a subtle change, the `S` in WAGS now stands for `Saunterers` rather than Strollers. But fear not - it will not invalidate any of the T-shirts you may have already purchased.

Another reason for aligning the Blog with the Calendar Year is that 2020 was indeed an "Annus Horribilis", and hopefully this separation will improve our lot. For non-Latin Scholars, that was not a reference to ugly nether regions nor even haemorrhoids. I hope we are all preserved from such.

As Chambers 21st Century Dictionary has it:-

saunter verb (saunteredsaunteringintrans (usually saunter along, pastetc) to walk, often aimlessly, at a leisurely pace; to wander or stroll idly. noun 1 a sauntering gait. 2 a leisurely walk or stroll; an amble. saunterer nounsauntering nounsaunteringly adverb.

I am not entirely sure that `aimlessly` and `idly` are perquisites of sauntering as far as we are concerned, but it is a mode that has been adopted before.

There are some who might contend that saunter is a synonym for stroll, and to them I say  "You are welcome to maintain the illusion that you are strolling, but I for one will be sauntering!  To me 'saunter' carries a less rapid and purposeful connotation than 'stroll'.  

Any dissenters please argue your case before the Committee.

   The first walk of 2021 will fall on 6th January, and we will switch to this blog then if we remember!


  1. Is the larger font another nail in the construction of later accommodation? And who is that at the door carrying a sand(timer and whatever else?

  2. You have me at a disadvantage there Sir, We only agreed to do Latin , - not Yorkshire Franglais!!
