October 30, 2021

WAGS 27.10.2021: Terry Amessines


S. Bartolomeu de Messines

AnswerSmash is a game from Richard Osman's House of Games, invariably the last round of each session.

A picture from a selected category will be shown above a written clue. Solve what the picture is, answer the clue and smash the answers together. Easy

Here is an example:

Category: WAGS Members

 AnswerSmash Question: 

Q, Town where WAGS normally walk from  the Cafe Joao de Deus.

Stumped? The answer is in the title of this post!!

I have to start by saying that Myriam and I did not participate in this walk, only joining the Apres -Walk snack lunch. This was due to Myriam having fractured her toe carelessly kicking the outer kitchen door. She was prescribed a Barouk Boot (qv.), which is designed to relieve pressure on the front foot and allow walking without bending the toes.  

       So instead of The War of Jenkins Ear, we have the Battle of Myriam's Barouk Boot

Now the War of Jenkins Ear is recorded in history. The incident, in 1731 in which sailors from the Spanish Coastguard cut off the ear of Captain  Jenkins, who was commanding a British trading ship, when they boarded in search for contraband. Public reaction in England was lukewarm at the time (No Twitter or Facebook or YouTube). However over the next few years, British Naval Tacticians (propagandists) were realising that if we were to get involved in a victorious war with Spain, it would improve our trading opportunities in the Caribbean,  Eight years after the incident, a master strategist decided that if we could whip up public outrage by parading Jenkins before Parliament without his ear, we could justifiably get enough support to begin naval operations against Spain. This is a little simplistic as there were a number of reasons for Britain to keep pressure on Spain including getting them to agree to Britain collecting and trading 5000 slaves a year from the South Americas, which had been ratified by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. Of course in the interests of profiteering the income from the slaves would be augmented by smuggling contraband between the countries in time-honoured fashion.

   And still today Governments invent agendas for whipping up the population against another State and at the core is always business and trade.

     By no means can the Battle of Myriam's Barouk Boot be as significant to Portugal as the War of Jenkins Ear was to Perfidious Albion, but it did involve side issues of money (ask Myriam), unfounded accusations and mental torture!!!

Well the foregoing was padding and also to inject a little intellectual and historical gravity into the Blog. This was needed as though the Leader's Walk Report and the Deputy Chief Blogger's colour commentary were submitted promptly, they were fairly brief, though I was sent plenty of pictures.

The Starters. A good turnout and nice to see Lindsay and Andrew join the Usual Suspects

 The Stats and Track

A fine set of WAGS 2021 Parameter Stats - Courtesy of John

Here are Terry's thoughts on the walk

Wednesday a lovely October morning sunny with that little bit of a chill to remind you the the year is fast running out.  I chose Messines again as there is a good choice of walks now that the land has been cleaned up and new tracks created. There was a good turnout of Wags to meet up once we had the cafe sorted as our usual one was closed why I don’t know.? 🤷‍♀️. After meet & greet we got started at 10.15 am, nice now not to have masks on as well, the walk was one of my many variations going anti clockwise this time.

Route Conference - a lovely day to be out and getting very warm.

.....and the BBQ will go here!!

The Leader leading - off-road

I will say it’s not easy leading and having to mind the parameters that you’re working and walking with, however a little bit of understanding of the countryside you are walking into you can arrive at the distance and time etc to please everyone I hope. Back to the cafe at 1.oc for lunch and quite adequate as well.  Good walk, good company, what more do we need, just good health I suppose. 


Nice Hill- -bypassed. En vivo Counselling Session

A break in the shade.

And now over to John. Some say it seemed a very quiet walk. Nothing to do of course with Myriam being 'Excused Boots' Perhaps the  narrative by John explains what compensated  for too much peace and quiet.

The Alphapendular sweeping through the landscape

John writes:-
Not much of exceptional interest during the walk. Twice the rural peace was shattered, once by the passing Lisboa-Faro Alphapendular, and again by a group of noisy quadbikes which forced the walker off the track.

Quad bikes

Late on Parade

Grass skirt?

Loofah and gourd

Back at the café there were a couple of late arrivals for lunch – navigational mishap? The noise inside was at times overpowering, especially during a discussion about loofahs –does one eat them or use them to scrub one´s back in the shower? –and hearing about Andrew´s personal trainer

Andrew needs his personal trainer

Outside was noticeably quieter.

My bifana baguette was excellent. Myriam asked for a bifana torrada I think and got just the toast.

The Mystery of the Meatless bifana !

Hazel´s travelling greengrocery did a roaring trade. (Ed. In fact so good that it relieved me of my last €25)

  The late arrival was caused by my faulty memory of the location of Cafe S. Joao de Deus, which I last visited about 10 years ago. Myriam had been there several times more recently and alleged that she knew where it was, but I have learnt from experience that Sigmund Freud himself had diagnosed her with False Memory Syndrome. I took her route and was delighted to find that the road was blocked by some road works. I tried to circumvent them, but only ended up back at the Railway Station. This called for a couple of strategic calls to the Leader, who put me on the way by advising me to head for Intermarche. However the Intermarche I  thought I remembered was at the East end of town.  Unbeknown to me they had removed that one in 2016 and replanted it with this new store at the west end near the Bombeiros. Mea culpa - I also apparently have False memory Syndrome!

I think this is the Cafe where we had lunch - back in 2009 about when I was last there!

So all that is left is to extol the virtues of the bifana AND chips of the Cafe Kapheina as Terry has just reminded me features in the starter photo. According to Cafe Guru it is rated best coffee house in Messines. See HERE

(Note Yves had trouble with his mail and has just sent me a lot of photos, which will have to be added later with his own inimitable subtitles!)

 And finally a rollicking song to sign off:-

So finally after all, our very own Henri Cartier-Bresson has not yet managed to recover his Outlook, so he forwarded these photos via WhatsApp, with sub-titles in his own inimitable style.

She was told not to go there


Now you see him........

.....now you don't

A miss is as good as half a million miles!

Unreachable lady in a dreamy haze

Men and wives watching

Striders and lagger

October 22, 2021

WAGS 20.10.2021- Once more unto the Beach


Early at Meia Praia in October 2021
(An aircraft flies across the low sun)

   This title has probably been used before, but no-one except John would notice!

        After Rod's invigorating season opener last week, I decided on a gentle Strictly Come WAGSing stroll along my local beach, Meia Praia.. 'Half Beach' may seem an odd name for a beach that is over 5 km long, but in fact historically it refers to half of the very long strip of golden sand that stretches from Lagos to Alvor, which is now divided by the Mole and Typhoon Shelter of the Ribeira de Odiaxere.

   Not to labour the point, but it had great appeal to me, as that Wednesday was a full moon and the tides were at their lowest for a month at precisely 0905 am. This not only gave us a flat firm base for aged knees and ankles,  but also held the promise that there would be no undulations. Further Myriam, who was the nominal leader would be unable to get uncertain of position, and in fact you could walk as far as you desired up to 11km or so, simply by turning back when you felt you had done half your required exertion or even, if you have a fitness device, burnt half the calories you intend to eat for lunch!. In fact at the 3 km point is  Bar Quim the last cafe on the beach, which Myriam and I have haunted since it was a tin hut in 1997, before regulation made the owner rebuild in line with Health and Safety. A good waypoint.

Good or bad luck?  The jury is still out!

Most people have heard of the superstition regarding a black cat crossing your path. That is derived from European folklore claiming that a black cat crossing one’s path by moonlight often signified death by epidemic. More than likely, a black cat crossing your path simply means the cat is going somewhere!

However going all the way back to 3000 BC, black cats were held in the highest esteem and to harm one was considered a capital crime. Sailors throughout history have believed having a black cat on board their ship would bring good luck.  (click the blue link for an article on 7 Famous Seafaring Felines, - a free bonus!)

I prefer the latter explanation for the above cat which was disdainfully grooming its nether regions at the Cat Hotel.

We met at the New Railway Station Cafe, as Yves had expressed an intention to travel by CF Pullman coach to the walk, and conveniently the train was scheduled to arrive in Lagos at 08:58 am. However, omnibus paribus, (NB That does  not mean that the bus stopped), he was forced to drop out because of the good old benefit claimers' stand-by - a bad back! Anyway we all knew where it was. I say 'all' but that only refers to the 5 WAGS who made the effort to enjoy a day of Fun in the Sun.   I had left a car halfway along the beach at Bar Quim just in case anyone had a problem.

       In my call circular I had stressed the fact that clothes were optional and light footwear only was needed to negotiate the short paved track to the sand, However, John, still suspicious, having believed Rod's claim of an easy opener, was fully attired for an ascent of Everest with boots, socks, thornproof long trousers and an anorak! Hazel and Maria were both in long trousers and fleeces with their Monchique boots on too.

Official Stats from John's Whaddaya call it.

Look at the average speed!!

 Four of the party did the full 11km. I dropped out on the return leg at Bar Quim, (8.65km) so as not to exceed WAGS parameters, to have a coffee, pick up my car and scout a place for lunch.

Back to the Start

        So as we stood there in the 24 degree sun, with a zephyr of SW wind, I asked them to check the options. Luckily Maria had shorts with her, and although Hazel's alternate shorts reached mid calf,  the two ladies compromised by hanging their boots round their necks. John however stumped off down the beach getting full money's worth from his Decathlon boots and yomping gear.


.....and After

Myriam has beach walked before -   resplendent in red, barefoot and stowing a pair of slippers

But I am getting ahead with the photos. We drove in our two cars to the start at the Cat Hotel and took a starter photo.

Paul, Maria, Hazel, Myriam and John in front of the Cat Hotel, recently refurbished.

Carefully choreographed so John could climb a hill and to even up the heights. My legs out on a rare exposure to the sun, shod in Birkenstock Arizona EVA ( where EVA stands for  Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate, NOT Extra Vehicular Activity such as Space Walking)

Before we even left the Cat Hotel things started, A splashing to our right revealed a pioneer who had just surfed across the Marina entrance channel. I think he was a little bit eccentric as there was a perfectly good ferry right there for 60  cents!

Saved himself 60 cents or a long walk from townside.

There was plenty of surfing at the start of the beach and there were lots of kids and instructors from surf schools.

Surf caterpillar

These apparently are good beginner waves!

Some of the surfers found a jellyfish.

A worry for some!, But it wasn't as big as the one the WAGettes found further down the beach!

    We also found an ex-Atlantic Sea Hare which washed up on the beach. Only one or two this time, but depending on the wind and sea we have had tens of them on Meia Praia and alive too.

Here is a short vid of a live one swimming. They can be up to about 40cm long.

The Atlantic Sea Hare. Harmless, but when attacked will emit a purple dye. ( The YT video can be opened to full screen if desired)

The predominant wind for the last few days had been SW, and the western end of the beach, last Sunday, had been layered with thick seaweed, of two or three types.

Maybe Sea Oak ( Halidrys siliquosa) or Cystosera
(or maybe jamon)

 If you want to know more about seaweed please ask Myriam, as she has not only been to a lecture on edible seaweeds, but more recently a presentation on undersea forests.

A lot of this had been cleared by the Camara, and sea action, by Wednesday but there was enough left for 4 of us to luxuriate on the feeling of squeezing our toes into it. Not John though. He resolutely maintained full uniform and boots and stayed out of the sea!!

He ploughs a lone furrow

John happily seized on the opportunity to get away from all the girlish chatter and set off purposefully down the beach.

Looking straight ahead he refused to be distracted from his walk.....

Even ignoring a female Yogi throwing some shapes!

Myriam too, hit her stride early on while Hazel and Maria ambled in the background discussing the slugs!

Plenty of time to chat later - stretch your legs.

By the time we got near Bar Quim the ladies decided to go off piste for a  ...    so John and I strode on together to the Eastern end of the beach. I educated him on the foibles of coffee grinders, and the science of pulling a good shot.' which he digested in a contemplative silence. 
Some of the photos I didn't witness, as Hazel took them- and no-one knows what they were talking about.!!!

Chatting up a local fisherman, but he wasn't taking the bait!

Maria goes strapless - Hazel in AWW uniform T-shirt and Tilley

Halfway: What can the matter be?  Luckily they  weren't confined in the facilities at Bar Quim like 3 other old ladies had been!!

At the end of the beach where John and I were patiently waiting, we met the bikini clad Lina, a former AWW from before John's time, who lived near us in Mariposa.

A limpet

The other side of the story!

She was hunting limpets on the rocks of the mole.

A friendly German couple helped take these two photos with Lina. How many remember her? Maria adding some decorum by fixing her straps!

I must have a word with Hazel about spoiling other people's light!!And Maria in the lower one.

We set off back after a short chat -some fast and me slowing up! As I said I dropped out at Bar Quim, had an abatonad' cheia and some banter with Louisa, and then went to see what was for lunch. 
     I decided on Quintal do Peixe a little known restaurant/bar, which even though it is not right on the beach, still has beach prices, but they do a good job, and the genial host, Louis is very convivial, and claims to speak 7 languages including 3 African ones. He was born in the French Congo.. No one was burning to get away, and even little Figaro was trusted to guard Casa Esperanca by himself. A pleasant unhurried proper lunch as befits our seniority.

Just on the sea side of the beach road.

A nice big grill. We were the first to arrive.

The grill was at a perfect temperature so we decided on little calamari for  starters, 4 portions of sardines (28 for VIPs) and  a big lump of  grilled fresh squid.

Baby lulas

One portion of sardines (approved by Maria)

And Large Squid, grilled, chopped and drowned in onions, coentro and other stuff!

   A very pleasant reward for a WAGS walk which for some went precariously over the limit, but seemed to be less deleterious to well-being than Rod's strict WAGS parameter easy walk at the barragem.

My Huawei watch's effort at recording the walk, except I forgot to turn it off at Bar Quim at the 8.96km  point where I got into my car and headed to the Quintal do Peixe!

Sidney Bechet - Moulin a Cafe (note there is no subscription or phishing trap associated with this video. Your feet might start tapping and you could even sway a little!.) 

My lecture on trying to be a barista must have struck a chord with John, as along with his photos of the walk he very kindly sent me a lively version of Moulin a Cafe by Sidney Bechet.  It seems to act like caffeine and does grow on You.

And now almost finally - an old favourite not Maria but the Caption Competition.
Answers by comment WhatsApp or email .   blah blah

I have been forbidden from entering this competition!!

Now a little more on the seeming apathy and lack of interest in reading Whatsapp or emails, Blogs, joining walks and generally the WAGS. 
      The AWW are holding their 25th Anniversary and we are some way towards our 7th, the first mention in blogging of the WAGS being in March 2015, in a post entitled Oh No! Not Another Blog!
It was intended to allow members to let off steam, unburden themselves, or to bring items of interest to other WAGS. Needless to say, in that respect it failed miserably, but I kept it open and very occasionally posted something of the walks and other matters in 2015..
          By the following season, we had more applications from Burnt-Out AWW 's to be WAGS, and after a selection process chaired by The Committee, applications were approved or black-balled as incompatible. A proper walking blog  entitled Wednesday Algarve Geriatric Strollers was opened on 12th October 2016 with a post entitled 'We've Still Got it' on a walk in Romeiras. Nine present (+ 3 dogs) in the starter photo for that walk plus Dona Aldina , owner of Casa Pacheco. The Blog address is HERE   and you have to scroll down to the very bottom to read that blog.
Since then numbers have fluctuated but often the turnout has been 10 or so.
       Now I feel there is a shift in the biosphere and less are willing to participate or walk. I sent out a couple of pleas to all 22 WAGS (20 on WhatsApp) last week, to check if anyone was still out there.
        I received 12 replies, and only 5 came to this walk. I can only assume that the group will continue with 12, until ................?
         I doubt if I will complete many full walks this season myself, but I will do my best and hope to enjoy the social side, and if there are any others (than those 12) who want to join in occasionally please let me know. If you prefer to work from home, OK  . I understand the effect that Covid, and not just the regulations but common sense, has, may make people think again about meeting , but let me know if you are up to it please. 
   To finish on an upbeat note , two cheerful pieces of music:

   Beautiful Morning

Lovely Day

Hope to see you on future walks.