January 31, 2021

WAGS 27.01.21: The Opposite - YAD DRAWKCAB LANOITAN


            We find ourselves in a serious situation! No, not the Covid Pandemic. It is given that THAT is serious. I mean that since the State of Emergency current rules, we are limited to daily saunters round our local area - ergo - nothing to write a real WAGS Blog about.. 

Should we return to WAGS WASPS - if we can find any willing contributors.?  Email or WhatsApp me or John if you have anything to get off your chest, or have heard or read somewhere, and think it may be of interest to others in the group.

           What is more until today - 31st January - nothing had come to me that might be worth sending on.

Then it hit me. I saw an announcement on Google that January 31st each year has been designated as National Backwards Day!. You can read about it HERE.

           Soon after I was doing my Daily Calm meditation - even if according to the precepts of National Backwards Day I should have been dancing, or raving and thinking noisy thoughts, and Tamara coincidentally, came up with this:.

I recently discovered that since 1961, January 31st has been recognised as Backwards Day. When I found this out, I immediately thought of an old Seinfeld episode titled "The Opposite".   In case you missed it, the scenario is that the lovable underachiever, George Kostanza contemplates his life and realises that nothing is going well. He decides to do everything the opposite of his better judgement, in the hopes of better results. Under this approach George tells an attractive woman that he’s unemployed and lives with his parents but she finds his candour refreshing and appealing.  In a job interview, he boldly criticises his prospective boss, but he gets the job. At every turn he defies his instincts, does the opposite of what he views as common sense, and life rewards him. It’s easy to go through life making the same choices over and over and falling into old habits and patterns. We do what’s familiar but the result is we can find ourselves stuck. To get unstuck the best thing to do is to step back and approach things from a new angle; a different perspective even from the opposite outlook like George Kostanza.   If you notice yourself feeling stuck and falling into the same old  patterns that aren't proactive, try viewing your challenges through a different lens. Look at your obstacles from someone else’s point of view; someone you admire: a good friend; maybe even a child. Ask a friend for their perspective; do some Journal writing, perhaps analysing your tendencies and patterns. See if they serve a purpose or if you’re ready to make a change. Shake up your habits; rattle your patterns; inspire a new way of thinking; take an improv class or an art class; read a book on a topic you know nothing about; visit a neighbourhood you've never explored. With fresh perspectives we’re more likely to come up with new solutions to old problems.

      As Albert Einstein is believed to have said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again,  and expecting different results". 

 Something to ponder in lockdown as we move through these stressful days!

If you are at all interested in Stress relief and soothing meditation, you may like to download the Calm App  to your Smartphone and try it out as a Guest for 30 days. I have been using it for almost 3 years, and I am sure you have noticed how calm and rational I have remained!!

     HERE is the link if you want to try it.

And for your delight here is the excerpt from Seinfeld, entitled `The Opposite`.

Stay Safe and Stay Calm

January 22, 2021

WAGS 20.01.2021: Virtual St Vincent



He was a Very Big Saint - or is it the faulty perspective

First, I will get this Wednesday, 20th out of the way. We are in an enhanced State of Emergency, so no Sauntering Bubbles - just the two of us, and it makes decisions on cancellation easier. It was pouring with rain overnight on Tuesday/Wednesday and it lingered on well into the morning before fizzling out completely soon after lunch. I don`t think we even went for our daily Passeio Higienico on Wednesday, as by the afternoon, we had plenty to do with various administrative projects.

    Besides 23 years in the Algarve induces a form of aquaphobia when it rains. I thought it would be more appropriate to find a word for `fear of getting feet wet`,  but alas, was unable to do so. However this search led me off into a side alley, and I wasted rather a lot of time reading up on these words,, particularly pertaining to readers of this blog.

How about Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

The source swears it is a genuine word, applied, ironically,  to fear of very long words,.   It is clearly a manufactured word - hippopoto from hippopot(amus )- something very large,  monstro from monstrous(ly) large and of course, sesquipedalia(n) from  the word meaning polysyllabic. This led me to an investigation of the longest words in the English language."   It turns out that even this monstrosity (36 letters) is not the official longest word in the English language, which seems to be  Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis , which has 45 letters, and is a lung disease caused by inhaling fine silica dust.  These must be relatively newly fabricated words, because I swear that when I was at school, the English teacher - the aptly named Mr Bright - had informed me that this honour went to `floccinaucinihilipilification`, which also has the advantage of being easy to pronounce and remember.

    My research reveals that this word, (flocci etc) meaning the act of describing something as of little value or worthless, was only coined because it had one more letter than the schoolboy favourite, antidisestablishmentarianism, and coincidentally it applies to the last two paragraphs of this post.  Of course since then, `supercalifragelisticexpialidocious` (34 letters) came to us via Mary Poppins in 1964, and survived a court suit alleging it was stolen from a 1940`s song , `supercalafajalistickespeealadocious`.

     If chemical names are included, then the word for the human protein, titin (no titining please!) runs to 189,819 letters and takes well over 3 hours to pronounce!

      And here concludes the lesson on Etymology  - which brings me back to phobias  - some of which are laughable and seem ridiculous unless you suffer from them, and some of them with which I have a lot of sympathy, eg gynophobia (fear of adult women`)  Those still hanging in, will note that I didn`t say `old women`; currently most of us have `frigophobia` (fear of becoming too cold,); nosophobia, (fear of contracting a disease); and my obesophobia (guess) is becoming more pronounced during the restrictions and snacking opportunities of lockdown.

Myriam is fast developing pogonophobia, and while some of us may be susceptible to stasiphobia or basophobia: most of the WAGS and indeed some of the AWW suffer from ranidophobia - but not on the Rugby field!!

   Well enough random musings, Rod very kindly reminded us that St Vincent of Saragossa, our adopted Patron Saint has his Saints Day, which we tend to celebrate, on 22nd January. This naturally leads to checking the archives to see what we did in previous years.

19.01.2011 St Vincent is honoured by AWW for the first time.

The walks was on a Saturday to coincide with 22nd January. John wrote the Blog of the walk, which had a very high turnout (lunch involved) which can be found HERE

The arrangements to view the chapel were made by Bob Bates and Rod and the walk itself was an uncomplicated but high speed walk along the tarmac mostly, from the Cape to the Forteleza. Five dogs accompanied us, but were not allowed in to the Forteleza, as they couldn`t convince the GateKeeper that they were Guide Dogs. Artur Jesus from the Cultural Section of Vila do Bispo Camara was a guest and proved to be very knowledgeable on the subject.

Oldest known Statue of S. Vicente

Artur Jesus briefing the troops

         The Importance of being Artur!

January 25th 2012

    S. Vincent`s Day was on a Sunday, so we walked on the following Wednesday.  Yves wrote the Blog  which can be found HERE

There was a lower turnout than the year before (no lunch), we took our own sandwiches though we had the usual (at that time) coffee before and beer after, at the only Snack Bar open,  Cafe Vigia. You can tell it is January, by the Arctic Clothing most are wearing, though as usual blssed with weak winter sun.

History repeats itself as in this Blog was the first mention of `Bathmophobia`.   Indeed by the time our section of the AWW broke away to form the WAGS, Bathmophobia becomes a principle guide for walk leaders. It means a fear of steep slopes and hills.

  On this walk there seemed to be quite a few, and we covered just over 12 km and ascended 267 m.


In 2013 we seem to have omitted to walk in Honour of our Saint. Antje led a walk on which it didn`t rain, from Carrapateira. Neither myself, nor Yves were there, Yves apparently being wounded in combat and I elsewhere, probably asking Sao Vicente for forgiveness!  Remind me to ask Google where I was!  John did a Blog but poor Vinnie was not mentioned. Notably, John attempted to  propose a Rule for the Composition of Blogs.

Therefore, from now on, as a loose sort of editorial policy, photos in the blog of flowers and fruits will appear only once a month, on the second week and, similarly, pictures of walking gear, appendages and other accessories, fashionable or otherwise, will only appear on the fourth week. It is hoped that this measure will appease the perambulatory bedrock of our group, anti-pictorial although they may occasionally seem to some.

Sadly I heard nothing further about this.


  Also the 2013/14 season seems to be largely unblogged, at least by me. I have records of only 7 posts, between August 2013 and December 2014 . I can`t remember whether it was because of lack of enthusiasm or appreciation by the majority.  John  posted 3 and I posted 4 all well spaced. Were the walks blogged elsewhere?

22.01.2015 AWW

  The mystery becomes a little clearer. In an opening to his 2015 Blog, John has provided a summary from his own files, of many of the missing walks. He writes:-

Even the occasional reader of these pages will have noticed that during the year gone by, although email reports of walks together with photographs have been regular enough, few have made it into blog format because the old blog hands ran out of energy and/or inspiration. Is it wishful thinking that, among the new blood in the group, there is an embryonic blogger ready to take things to a higher level?

Unfortunately no mention of St Vincent celebrations in either year in this Blog.  The whole Shebang can be found HERE

2015 WAGS Rule

I guess that it was in 2015 that having found the new AWW too strenuous, I formed the WAGS with Chris. My Blog laid fallow for the whole of 2015 as I didn`t think it was necessary to post about the comfortably short meanderings that Chris and I accomplished, though Antje and Myriam often came along. 

     As an outlet for my creative juices I attempted an occasional Blog entitled `WAGS WASPS` the WASPS being an acronym for Whinges, Anecdotes, Sayings, Proverbs, Solecisms.

      All posts at first were items of interest to me although I announced the blog to WAGS asking for contributions, little was added except by me.  I am not sure if I even circulated further notifications to any of the group.

It can be found HERE  

There were 23 posts from 29th March 2015 to November 2018.

An attempt to encourage other WAGS to post items of interest on this Blog on which anyone was an author, as a sort of Bulletin Board.  The WAGS WhatsApp group eventually took over from this for notices and non-walk blog posts.

2016- 2019 WAGS First Walk Blog

After Summer 2016, the WAGS had swelled to about 18 members on paper. Some AWW were reluctant to give up their tough long walks, but enjoyed the WAGS company and dining ethic, and walked in both groups, as and when they felt like it. I decided to resume proper classic walk blogs for Walks held according to WAGS Criteria.from 12.10.2016. This Blog ran for 109 episodes until 18.12 2019, when I again changed down a gear and opened a new Blog for 2020 and the new decade.

The bulk of 2016 I have no record, and certainly Sao Vincent was in isolation that year.

In 2017, there was a resurgence of interest, instigated mainly by Rod. A two-day extravaganza was planned for Sunday 22nd and Monday 23rd January. I managed to get an awful lot of blog mileage if not distance under my feet out of this, there being no less than 5 blogs around the two day walk.

First we had the Inner Council Think Tank on 4th January 2017, when Rod, Myriam and myself went on a day 1 recce to Vila do Bispo. Peter joined us ceremonially at the start but then had to retire.The account can be found HERE

On 11th January 2017, we had the recce for our intended Day 2 walk. A much better turn out of aspirants and supplicants, with a total of 9 turning out on a beautiful January day.

The walk was distinguished by a very rare event, Rod retiring after 4km with sore knees, requiring rest before the big event, accompanied by Chris. The 7 remaining walkers revisited the famous Quinta steps, beloved for photos on RTC events.

Quinta Steps

After the day 2 recce we reccied Restaurante Palheira, where we had a good belt straining lunch!


Other photos from this walk may be seen in the Blog just HERE

Sao Vicente Day One 22.01.2017

  The event attracted a good crowd of WAGS and camp followers, especially the Dinner on the 1st evening dinner. There were 17 walkers on Day 1 and Rod had booked us 9 rooms at Mira Sagres Hotel to ensure a prompt start and promote WAGeraderie.

Starters Day 1

The whole blog for the Day 1 walk may be viewed HERE 

Our walk was based on arriving at Cabo S. Vicente, by 1530 hours for an unveiling ceremony of a statue dedicated to Sao Vicente, commissioned bu a slightly eccentric Finnish gentleman, Rikki Graunhe. Read the blog for more info, but the statue? unveiled is shown here.

A Sculptor`s impression of Sao Vicente (Rikki next to the statue looking suitably proud)

Speeches over, duty done we headed back to our Hotel for showers, pre-prandial drinks and a very welcome dinner.

The Dinner

The dinner was at Cafe Correia, just a short stagger across the road from the Hotel

Artur Jesus and his wife were Guests of Honour.

This was the 2nd part of 4 parts of the Event Record, and can be viewed HERE

Day 2 Walk:- 23rd January 2017 

The next morning only 14 toed the line for the 2nd days` exertions. Gita went solo exploring, Chris went solo on a shorter walk, and I sacrificed my walk so that I wouldn`t have to blog it!

Starters Day 2

Another lovely day, and this time the walk we had reccied on 11th January, to the south and down to Praia de Barranco back via the Quinta.

Maria went Pole Dancing........

.........and the steps were better populated  than on the recce. John only just made it back to his seat before his camera took the shot!

Day 2 Lunch

The final lunch was quite well attended and held at O Perceves which used to be one of Myriam and my favourite perceves restaurants. Alas, it wasn`t a good day for perceves, and there were mutterings of discontent among the hungry diners.   You can read John`s Blog, which also summarises the walk stats HERE

2018, for some reason we had no Sao Vicente related event.

January 22nd and 23rd 2019. The event over 2 days was resurrected by Rod, and more than ably blogged by Antonio de Montanha. I was with Myriam on MV Brittania in the Caribbean, and we didn`t see the video on the blog through lack of wifi. 

 There are some very nice photos in the blog, taken by a Pro, and a superb and humorous  video summary. I have just been through the whole post enlarging all the pictures, so go back HERE and have a look. So great to have the use of a drone for video and pictures.

In 2020 on 22nd and 23rd January, 10 faithful supplicants once again gathered together to venerate out Saint. Again a 2 day event based at the Mira Sagres.

Day 1 starters

The walk was pretty tough because of the broken rocky terrain, and in fact, I had Walker`s Back as opposed to the normal, and even Hazel and Geraldine had cut short their walk. Consequently, by the time the main body arrived back at Cafe Vigia, we three were well into our tostas and coffee.

In the evening we had a new venue for our Feast - we had done some research and from the short list we chose Eira do Mel. It was an inspired choice. and we were allocated the lower private room. We were joined by Jill, Mike, Chris Antje, Andy and Marguerite.

The food was excellent and replaced more calories than I had burned off.
The blog of the first day can be seen HERE

Day 2:  23rd January 2020

The weather looked a bit marginal at the start, so I wisely pulled my Excused Boots card, and opted to be Start photographer.

By digital trickery, i even got in it myself. I had only just got back to my car when it started raining, confirming my decision. Luckily for the group it didn`t last too long.

 John`s Blog started with a One Act Play, an innovative feature, and the route comprised a very similar one to the 2017 walk. ie not as far as the first day.

I returned to Cafe Convivio, just in time to join the feeding frenzy.

It is amazing how eating TM`s make you look glum.

The blog of 2020 Second Day can be found  HERE

And that`s it , we are completely up to date with our dealings with S. Vincent, this blog being the latest homage. It all arose from a casual WhatsApp from Rod asking ~ "I wonder Paul, if you can recall some relevant blogs covering these days?"
     Well I could and I did, and it took  Saturday afternoon and all of Sunday to achieve, including phone calls to John to retrieve photos which had vanished from my computer.
    Shortly after this, in fact halfway through March, we went in to Covic-19 restrictions, which were published you may recall as `The Quarantine Diaries Volumes 1-12, and by then it was end of season as it was getting to warm.
    At the end of September we started again and managed 4 weeks before we were restricted to Bubbles. these went right through to the end of the year, with the Silves Six being the most consistent. Apathy and  illness splintered the Lagos Bubble, and the New Year 20-21 ushered in the era of the Wednesday Algarve Geriatric Saunterers. 
   To date 2 walks were attempted and then Portugal having become World No.1, (even overtaking UK) in the Covid League for Deaths per Million of Population, things have closed down to merely allowing us out for a healthy walk once a day, but not mixing with other persons or households. Most Airline traffic is closed down, even if you did want to take the risk of travelling in a metal cigar tube breathing the same air as other passengers.
    No one is predicting when we will get back to anything approaching normal.

But its not All Doom and Gloom  - or is it?

January 15, 2021

WAGS 13 01 2021: Ice Cold in Bensafrim

 This WAGS outing was billed as a fairly routine effort, in effect doing one of Rod´s favourite Bensafrim circuits but in reverse.  When the Silves Bubble arrived the starting point, to their surprise they were greeted by Paul and Myriam, two dyed-in- the-wool Lagobrigenses . What were they doing there? Surely they weren´t going to join us ? One possibility was that Paul had come to show off his brand new SEAT FR, resplendent in Eclipse Orange, as I believe it is called. (Our professional cameramen missed a trick and forgot to photograph it.) But the real reason emerged that Hazel had inveigled them to turn out early in the morning so as to obtain some pieces of her Brandy Bombshell of a Christmas Cake. A bit late perhaps for Christmas Day but, since the Orthodox church celebrates it on 7th January, perhaps we can stretch a point. Anyway, Paul was able to take the Starter pic, thus saving the Leader from his usual lot of technical jiggery-pokery.

       The Starters: Dina, Maria, Hazel, Myriam just collecting the cake, JohnH, Yves, and Rod.

We set off up a hill to where two mobile signal masks provide the good citizens of Bensafrim unrivalled broadband speed and were proceeding at a fairly steady relaxed sort of pace when Yves blotted his copybook by getting totally separated from the rest of the group. Out of sight he was, but not out of mind as far as Hazel and Maria were concerned and they went back to look for him, while the remaining three of us stood around impatiently as the minutes ticked away. He was duly ticked off when they found him, and rapped on the knuckles, and other parts of his anatomy for his lapse. And, as further punishment, he was sentenced to write the large part of the remainder of the blog.

The return of the Miscreant

Here is his Apologia, including a bit in what seems to be almost obligitary now-a-days, Latin, I don´t know if he does it just to annoy Ingrid and Terry Ames, but there it is.....over now to Yves, in his own words.



Stet perambulae post-scriptum… Mea culpa!




Ranus Maximus

The sorry tale of the Phrogue that went the extra mile…

So it was that on a perfect day for this sort of things, a bubble of intrepid geriatrics set off for the hills with light hearts and sagging springs in their steps. Some quiet grumbles could be heard at the back about ‘starting a walk (sic) on a climb’ but pace-makers were adjusted, 1st gear was engaged and the group pressed on personfully. [woke or wot?]

It soon came to pass that a derelict mill hove into view atop a bare hill;

the Leader was very pleased with his navigational exploit and arranged for an impromptu ‘didn’t I do well’ stop. He might even have instigated the building of a cairn that the troops took up with enthusiasm, ingenuity and a high degree of skill, balancing stones at improbable angles with considerable success! A Great pyramid it was not but then again, there was no dead pharaoh nearby to bury… Still, the hill was alive with the sound of banter and laughter as stone was rested upon stone: splendid fun!

Isso é um belo barrete que você tem
All too soon, the Leader moved the troops away from the hill top and down a track that was all but invisible to those inside the ruined mill, trying to record its fading splendour on an SD card with a view to flog it to Century 21, the well-known Realtor. Those folks (in truth, only one idiot!) heard a cheery ‘Ciao Yves!’ from Hazel who knows her Mediterranean Portuguese quite well and then silence reigned, only disturbed by the clicking of a camera shutter.

As the snapper emerged into the bright sunshine again, he found himself in magnificent isolation and master of the beautiful vistas all around: not a trace of the Bubble could be distinguished on the near, medium or far horizon! Undaunted, he set off down the main track at a fast pace in the belief that his companions were only hidden from view by a ridge in the terrain: Non!

Nil desperandum’ he thought and the fast pace became a jog but still not a sausage! ‘Pas une saucisse’, he mumbled to himself in foreign… Reality began to sink in: someone had goofed again! Establishing who had goofed and how, not an urgent priority was: finding the group was, however! The Leader might know how to find the café for the post-walk prandial!

A sensible but doomed attempt was made to contact the others by semaphore, then by heliograph and eventually by mobile phone: alas, the Leader was flying so high on transports of heady navigational success that he had switched his device to ‘aeroplane mode’ –whatever this may be- and was therefore out of reach… The Lost Soul spotted a possible figure on a ridge a kilometre away and called Dina, asking her to move left or right in an attempt to discern her location precisely: the distant ‘figure’ was not Dina (a deer, perhaps?) but she passed her phone to the Leader; when he stopped laughing, he explained that two people had been despatched to the old mill and would I please make my way back to it?

Ipso facto, the long climb back to the hill top was undertaken; it is amazing how far one travels when jogging downhill… Still, the Fool on the Hill was eventually reunited with his rescuers: none-too-happy Maria and Hazel. Attempts at light-hearted remarks were met with violence, however: Hazel, ever the lady, administered a couple of gentle slaps on the buttocks while Maria took a run at it from Raposeira, it felt like! The echo resounded from hill to hill down to Vila do Bispo the TV news reported that evening… To add more injury to injury, the present Mrs. examined the corpus delicti and inflicted a matching hematoma on the other buttock with great gusto! Standing up to watch Trump’s Impeachment procedure was dictated by pain rather than respect… Sic Gloria transit!

All was nearly forgotten when we sat down to presunto e pão caseiro washed down with Sagres: this might be the last supper for a while: watch this space!

Thank you Yves. This little map will show you where you went astray. The mistake was to have paid too much attention to that Harry Lauder song of last week´s blog  "Keep Right on to the End of the Road." You went right; we had gone left.

Later, Yves, in his other persona as H. C-B., took some artistic photos

and Maria, not to be outdone, took a tumble:-

Luckily, the rest of the walk went off without further incident. We were diverted to find some of the water in the ditches had turned to ice. But that didn´t delay us too much.

A Bubble under the ice

And when the Leader decided to take the risk of following a track which was unknown to him other that from Google Earth, it proved to be OK and passable, and we didn´t have to waste more time by backtracking. (The fact that we had Rod with us who knows every inch of the Algarve and he wasn´t uttering words of caution was a reassurance.)

Nearing home, we stopped to photograph an old Crock.

No, not  that one old Crock, but this one:-

In the end, we got back to base in a little of a bit under 4 hours, so we mightily relieved to find that the Berbera snack bar was still functioning. 

We discussed diets, cholesterol and such like things and tried unsuccessfully to remember the words of the old Jack Spratt rhyme. The words are:- 

Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean.

Talking of food, as we now are, the Leader had got into the café ahead of the others and had ordered his food first but then had to sit patiently nursing his caneca and watching while all the later arrivals got their rations before him. 

First, out came the presunto e pão caseiro: 

then, out came the tostas mistas simples. 

And then, at last, at last, and finally, la pièce de résistance...........

Four  portions of toast, two types of cheese, the ham, with tomatoes, onions, oregano and thyme, all most elegantly served. All for me. Worth the wait.

The Track and the Statistics

Meanwhile, back in Lagos, the Lagobrigenses had been enjoying Hazel´s cake back at Gato. Given the quantity of brandy in it, just as well they waited until they were near home before tucking in.

Now, Lockdown looms.

We´ll meet again, don´t know exactly where, don´t know when.

And a closing thought, to ponder over during the next few weeks:-

"Speed and pace are often confused. One is distance over time, the other is time over distance."

Lagos Calling:

Well, John and Yves really caught me out with the story of their outing and the Silves Bubble`s adventures, which arrived complete and published at 1632 Hrs on Friday. It was a surprise because John had led the walk, and had Yves as a pressed collaborator, rather than Rod, who thinks before he writes, and does his domestic duties before sending the fruit of his labours on, usually late Sunday or Monday!
    In fact I hadn`t done much thinking, as the Lagos Bubble are still officially `Excused Boots`, for one half and for the one half of the other half, she was stationed close to the porcelain, preparing herself for a trip to the Hospital in the afternoon. (No tasteless comments here!) The other quarter, as John has related above,invited us to gather at Gato for the usual post walk congregation, despite the fact that our walk had only consisted of sauntering across the carpark in Bensafrim market.  It was not just a desire for company, nor merely to show off my car, but Hazel had seduced us with an offer of a slice of her luxurious gourmet Christmas cake. And was it luxuriously impregnated with John`s finest cooking brandy, - sumptuously as it turned out, when we scoffed it with our afternoon tea. Many thanks Hazel, we will meet you for cake any time!!

Crimble Crumble! Delicious and Heady!

    Luckily John had taken a couple of pix of our meeting after Myriam joined the starter photo, so we had pretty much nothing to add, apart from the pic you didn`t see, at Gato with Myriam unmasked.

Chris recounted the tale of the hardships they had undergone in Scotland, where they had probably walked further than our half of the Bubble. It seems they got back just in time because thanks to the Brazilian President`s denial, Covid has got a real grip in Brazil, and developed yet another variant, that Portugal are paying for in terms of being cut off from UK air corridor to Europe, by association, though no-one gets on a plane in Brazil bound for Portugal, who hasn`t been tested as negative. Although residents of Portugal are said to be exempt, it means that airlines from UK are cutting back on flights through lack of passengers. Really Portugal should have stopped flights from UK long ago as the infection rate there is far higher than here!

         Just for record I will publish the latest rules from the:-

The Decree law has now been published and the DRE translation is in the link below:
We have read through this and would draw your attention to the following Articles:
Article 4 - Duty to remain at home and exceptions
Article 5 - Working from home
Article 15 - Suspension of activities and establishments (Details of exceptions - what is open - Annex 11) and what is closed Annex 1
Article 21- Restaurants and the like
Article 28 Private vehicles.
Borders remain open and so do airports. Measure are very similar to those in place to the State of Emergency in March/April.
The important message now is to STAY AT HOME unless your journey is necessary and in accordance with the exemptions in the law. Our mind set should be to focus on the rules, NOT the exemptions. Our lifestyles will change as a result of this – if not, we are failing to comply with the measures.
The Covid-19 situation at present is far more serious than it was in in March and April and unless everyone strictly complies with the measures we will not beat this disease and the situation could get far worse, which has been forecast by experts.
Decree in informal English translation here: https://www.safecommunitiesportugal.com/decree-law-13th.../
What is Open and What is Closed Download here:

 And that is almost it.  While idly thinking of padding for this week`s blog post (and not realising I would have the Gift of a long decree by the Portuguese Government to fill the post} I wrote a piece of doggerel, demonstrating different spellings of pronunciations and different pronunciations of spellings, in the English language, which is designed to make it difficult for `furriners` to be sure of either when learning English!

Here goes:

Caught Short:

  • I ought to mention that after I drank a waught of water, I thought I would be caught short at the port Tennis Court of a Fort, recently bought, during a much sought-after Sport event, and an extremely fraught sortie against a self-taught juggernaut of a man with a large wart. A taut match, hard fought, which came to naught though I thought he was rough and brought plenty of partisan support. I was distraught, and became overwrought at the thought of my consort’s reaction!
Just a whimsy, in fact it was by way of an excuse to introduce that master of linguistics, Officer Crabtree of `Allo` Allo fame, showing off his perfect Franglais.

Disclaimer: Can I make it absolutely clear that this has nothing to do with Yves, and is not meant to be insulting to (almost) our favourite nation!

Enjoy, and as it very much looks as if we will be unable to group and walk anywhere except our own back gardens for a couple of months, take your time.

   If anyone is interested in replacing our Wednesday saunterings, temporarily with a virtual Video Saunter, we can set up a short video conference on Zoom. If you don`t use it already, then Myriam will be delighted to advise on requirements and how to do it. All you need is a computer or a tablet, a download of the App or program, and ability to follow simple instructions. Please let Myriam or I know or do a little research .
     Above all, stay healthy and take as much care as possible. It is very serious!

By the way, Jyll had  a hip operation on Thursday at HPA. After two knees, she is one tough lady, and who knows, once she has a full set, she may be able to join us for a walk! We wish her a speedy recovery, and hope Mike is surviving on his home-made Trekking Stew for breakfast lunch and dinner while she is in the Hospital.